家具连锁 Marketing Coordinator
1 工作类型:Full-time Permanent
2 岗位职责:
- Propose, create and maintain ongoing authentic and engaging organic and paid content for Wechat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other marketing channels
- Monitor marketing performance and make recommendations to amplify posts with paid advertising to defined, targeted segments
- Collaborate with the Marketing VP, in proposing and generating marketing plans that meet defined marketing goals in order to drive traffic, revenue, and overall health of the brand
3 工作地区:多伦多 Markham
4 工作时间:周一至周五 9:00am–6:00pm
5 工资:$30 – $34 小时工资
6 面试方法:直接内推
旅行社 | Social Media Coordinator/ Marketing Assistant |
娱乐公司 | Marketing Coordinator |
线上营销公司 | Digital Marketing Specialist |
职位 大型连锁超市
Senior System Support Administrator
1 工作类型:Full-time Permanent
2 岗位职责:
- All aspects of corporate data center operation, control and procedures, system deployment and
- decommissioning activities for E-commerce platform
- Help desk services for all business users and the support for E-commerce platform
- The communication with all regions business users
3 工作地区:多伦多 Markham
4 工作时间:周一至周五 9:00am–6:00pm
5 工资:$35 – $39 小时工资
6 面试方法:直接内推
律师楼 | Office Secretary |
食品批发公司 | Office Assistant |
金融公司 | Financial Advisor Assistant |
职位 西人公司
Junior Bookkeeper
1 工作类型:Permanent
2 岗位职责:
- check and verify source documents such as invoices, receipts, and computer printouts
- allocate and post the financial transaction details to subsidiary books
- transfer data to the general ledger
3 工作地区:多伦多 North York
4 工作时间:周一至周五 9:00am–6:00pm
5 工资:$24 – $26 小时工资
6 面试方法:直接内推
会计事务所 | Accountant assistantJunior accountant |
金融公司 | Bookkeeper |
大型餐饮集团 | Junior Accountant |
工程公司 Sales Representative
1 工作类型:Full-time Permanent
2 岗位职责:
- Meeting or exceeding sales goals.
- Assisting with corporate marketing strategies and expanding the company to new markets
- Coordinating sales efforts with marketing programs
- Negotiating all contracts with prospective clients.
3 工作地区:多伦多 Richmond Hill
4 工作时间:周一至周五 9:00am–6:00pm
5 工资:$45 – $49 小时工资
6 面试方法:直接内推
咨询公司 | Junior SM marketing consultant |
管理公司 | Salesperson |
银行 | Financial Advisor |
多咨处(S2 Consulting)是加拿大安省最大的一站式咨询开创者19年来,我们的40+名资深持牌顾问,成功为30000+位客人达成梦想。
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Instagram: s2consultingtoronto
知乎: S2 Consulting
新浪微博: 多咨处一站式咨询公司
小红书: 多咨处
⇢ https://youtu.be/vDtn9pEpKl8
⇢ https://youtu.be/6pGXSy7P-YU
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